Sunday 27 May 2012

Political stuff from the week 14-20/5/12

The UK Parliament will tackle libel reform!! (We're catching up with the rest of the world - whoop whoop!!)

Economic growth has not made people happier nor healthier in China, where you would expect the effect to be most obvious. Of, course, this comes as no surprise to me, because Growth just means acceleration of increase in inequality

Challenging the stigma of rape. Think burglary's your fault if you leave the window open? No? Then don't blame victims for being raped, when they're wearing a short skirt!

YouGov's found the truth: the UK public does want House of Lords reform, and does want equal marriage rights

There's an unnervingly strong correlation between the demographics of countries and their propensity for democracy-transpiring rebellion

Apple's to be taken to Court for price-fixing

The Cuntservatives want to use an illegal weapon to scare tourists during the London Olympics

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